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Have you seen the bumper sticker that reads Start Seeing Motorcycles?

Many motorcycle riders suffer serious or fatal injuries simply because drivers of cars and trucks do not see them. However, these drivers have an obligation to be on the lookout for other vehicles, including motorcycles. This is particularly important because motorcycle riders have no seat belt, no surrounding steel structure, and no airbag to protect them.

At Martin and Associates, we understand the physics of motorcycle accidents.  If you’ve been injured, we help you obtain justice. 

Since 2003, our motorcycle accident lawyers have been helping the injured and the families of those killed receive compensation after an accident. We have successfully obtained payment for motorcycle riders injured because a driver:


Changed lanes without signaling
Made a left turn without signaling
Failed to stop before turning right at a stop sign or red light
Pulled out from a side street without looking


The injuries from such accidents are catastrophic or fatal. Our clients have experienced severe fractures of the leg, spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis, closed head and brain injuries, road rash, and amputations. We have helped families grieving over the wrongful death of a loved one in a deadly motorcycle crash.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, consult with an experienced accident attorney to learn if you have a case. At Martin and Associates, we have been helping the injured for many years. Our law firm has the experience and the resources to obtain the compensation you need and deserve. We use accident reconstruction experts, medical specialists, and crash investigators to determine responsibility for your injury or the death of your loved one. Don’t allow the evidence to disappear; contact Martin And Associates today!




Martin And Associates LLC.  2019

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